The Power of the Sun

Posted on December 8, 2014 By

In these blog posts, I will be going over a broad range of issues related to horoscopes. Including their effect on every day life. The underlying notion, is that everything is connected. Understanding horoscopes, is connected with understanding our existence and all the different elements that surrounds us.

Sunset  Power

That’s why, simply trying to look into the future is not going to do much. I am going to teach you the secrets to life itself, through the magic of the solar system! One of my favourite planets has to be the sun. It is the origin of life and perhaps the oldest target of worship because all life depends on it. It’s just magical to think about the massive power Sun has! It’s symbols are life, power, radiation, head, royalty.

But of course everything in the solar system has it’s positive and negative effects. The sun is able to make one confident, organised and exited. With the power of the sun, one is able to give to this world so much things that are beneficial. On the negative side of things, we have emotions like pride, hate, egoism and selfishness. These too are features that are connected with the power of the sun. Because it holds such tremendous energy, it can transform and extend to creations that are no longer desirable in our world.

Those people who are closely connected with the sun usually choose a profesion where they are able to “shine” and do something that they are proud of. It could be a polition, or a boss of a company. But these are sometimes dangerous professions, where finding balance with all that energy is vitally important for a positive outcome.

Aries is the most common star sign, (born between 20 March – 20 April) that holds a strong connection with the sun element. Being aware of this feature in oneself is extremely advisable, since this is perhaps one of the start signs that is more likely to get out of control. Either way, we cannot live without it and sun is what makes us thrive!


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